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4 Ways To Find Deals on Raleigh Real Estate

4 Ways To Find Deals on Raleigh Real Estate

Finding bargains is a way of life for many people. Always keeping an eye out for great deals, they’re dedicated to locating alternative resources in Raleigh for nearly everything that is sold by those who no longer have use for the item. From household goods to larger ticket items such as furniture or appliances, these frugal shoppers understand the savings to be gained by putting in a little research and footwork.

Because the asking price isn’t “carved in stone” as in traditional retail markets, bargaining with sellers for an even better deal is a skill that savvy bargain hunters develop over time. Entrepreneurial minded individuals also look for opportunities to buy larger quantities of unwanted inventory and offer it for resale at a profit.

No matter the intention for acquiring the property, be it as your primary residence, investment or to resale the real estate at a profit, finding a bargain is the first step to realizing the best returns. These same strategies and skills can be translated to purchasing real estate, we’ll cover 4 ways to find deals on Raleigh real estate. 

4 Ways To Find Deals on Raleigh Real Estate


Sadly, circumstances can lead to the inability of a homeowner to continue paying their mortgage payments which leads to the process of foreclosure. The occupants must leave their home and the lender takes possession of the property.

Because banks aren’t in the business of property management, often the properties they’ve foreclosed on can be procured at rock bottom prices in order to alleviate themselves of the liability. If you’re willing to put the work, due to the extremely long period of time that foreclosure can take, as they are often in poor condition you may be able to bargain further. 


Being the first in line for anything can have its advantages, this is especially true when hunting for a deal on Raleigh real estate. To take full advantage of this unique opportunity, be certain all of your ducks are in a row, you’ll need to build reliable sources for locating these properties and have ready financing, allowing you to take the quick action required. Once you’ve determined the property is a bargain, don’t hesitate or you could risk missing your chance.

LIkewise, patience can pay off in certain cases and is the last chance for a seller. These owners may have learned their lesson about setting the wrong asking price by sitting on the market for a very long time and be ready to jump on any offer that comes along.

Unlisted and Vacant

When there are so many buyers, it can be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack to locate bargains on the market. Listings on the MLS are available to thousands and can lead to bidding wars due to low inventory and high demand, especially on anything that seems to be a good deal.

Wise investors need to widen their selections by going off the beaten path and finding a property that isn’t listed on the MLS. While there are many possibilities for what has led to absentee ownership, taking steps to locate this type of Raleigh real estate can be worthwhile. Often, these owners are unsure as to what to do with a property they may have inherited or landlords that haven’t turned the unit over and they are considering selling. You’ll have a head start by getting to them before they reach out to a real estate agent.

You’ll find these deals by doing both online and in-person footwork. Once you’ve pounded the pavement and located vacant properties, use the internet to locate contact information for the owner under public records searches.

Numbers Game

There truly are more fish in the sea, understand from the start that you’ll have to look at several properties in order to assure that you have found the best deal possible. While you may begin with a large number of properties, through a selection process, there will be a limited number that matches up with your guidelines. As with anything, the higher quality your input is, the better the potential outcome is for you. For this reason, you’ll be playing a numbers game and the first rule is to build sources that supply quality leads.

Naturally, the more property you wish to purchase, the more Raleigh real estate leads you’ll need to amass. Whatever your purpose, homeownership, or otherwise, by buying at a lower than the market rate, you instantly realize equity. Not only will you be building wealth, but you’ll also have an asset that can be turned into cash in times of need.

Why pay market price with so many alternative resources for locating properties available in today’s market. We’re happy to explore all of these options with you and help you find deals on Raleigh real estate! Call BHERI CAPITAL today at (919)-229-4991 or send us a message to learn more!

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