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Divorce brings forth a myriad of challenges and uncertainties, resembling an unending emotional roller coaster. Amidst the turmoil, one daunting task often arises: selling the marital property or family home. If you find yourself needing to sell your house during a divorce, you don’t have to navigate it alone. Bheri Capital is here to assist you every step of the way.

How Does Divorce Impact Your House?

Upon divorce, the court typically divides the property equitably, though not always equally, between spouses following the Equitable Distribution Law. This process affects two main types of property: marital and separate. Even in amicable divorces, financial ties may persist due to shared property ownership. While listing with a realtor is one option, it entails commissions and fees. Alternatively, selling to a direct buyer offers a hassle-free solution.

Why Sell Your House During A Divorce?

Selling the house during a divorce presents both personal and financial benefits. Proceeds from the sale can provide each spouse with a fresh financial start or help settle debts. Additionally, liquidating the shared asset can offer emotional and legal closure. Selling to a reputable buyer ensures quick cash without deductions for various fees, allowing both parties to move forward unburdened.

How Does it Work?

Initiating the sale process is as simple as making a phone call. Upon request, a representative from Bheri Capital will conduct a property valuation. You’ll then receive a fast and fair cash offer. Upon acceptance, a convenient move-out date is chosen, streamlining the process for your convenience.

Choose Bheri Capital

Our team at Bheri Capital understands the need for both parties to move forward. With extensive experience in all types of divorce proceedings, we navigate the legal process efficiently, collaborating with attorneys to expedite matters. Our commitment is to offer the highest possible cash offer on your property, ensuring a seamless transition for all involved parties.

If you are looking to sell your house during a divorce in Raleigh and all surrounding areas in North Carolina, simply call (919)-229-4991 or complete our online contact form.